What should my title be? Mmmmm..........

Blah Blah Blah~~~>.<''

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Since it's science, I'll use a nice green colour....

ok...that sounds totally weird...

Anyways, yes, the reseach project. I'm finally posting something. Took me long enough to figure how to use this thing...
I've been doing a bit of research regarding the hypnosis and how it works. I was kinda thinking of doing that, and doing some experiments of hypnosis, like "hypnotising people can make them feel relaxed" or something like that, and maybe try some hypnosis experiments on people.

But now, I'm not really sure whether I should do that, cause what if it doesn't work? *sigh~~~*

I'm still reseaching in regards to that area, but I'm also looking for new ones. I don't want to do anything that are too complicated, and I wouldn't have access to the equipment anyways. I also don't want to do something too boring.....(an internal war is going on inside my brain)

But yeah, I'm looking and researching, so that's good....I just need to find a definate topic soon...

Cheers, RoN

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