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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Another possibility

Hello blog,
I've been surfing the net for any additional ideas that seemed interesting, and I found this.

To test if the thickness of the bag affect how high it would rise.
We use a number of black plastic bags with different thickness. Fill all the bags with air and tie the opening of the bag so air do not escape. Then leave all the bags out in the sun, (this experiment make use of the solar energy).
We then observe which bag floats the highest, and see if the thickness affected how high the bags could float.

Independent variable would be the thickness of the bag
Dependent variable would be how high the bags floated
Controlled variable would be the same type and brand of bag, and the same day, under the same sun, in the same location.

This experiment could be conducted for a few times to make sure it is as accurate as it could be.

It sounds interesting, sort of...
If I was to do this one, would it be ok?

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